The minimum rental period and the deposit amount depend on the make and model of the chosen car.
In addition to car rentals, we also offer a booking service.
You can reserve your desired car for a specific date and time.
Fines in Dubai
The roads in the UAE are considered some of the best in the world, but there are many speed cameras on the highways. In Dubai, speed control devices are often placed every 2 km, so it’s easy to get fined.
Main speed limits in the UAE:
- In cities, the speed limit is set at 60 km/h, but often there are signs allowing lower speeds.
- On highways for cars, the speed limit can reach 100–140 km/h.
- On the country’s main highway — Sheikh Zayed Road — the speed limit is 80 km/h.
- In all emirates, except Abu Dhabi, there is a tolerance of 20 km/h above the speed limit, within which drivers won’t be fined.
- In the capital, Abu Dhabi, there is no tolerance at all; fines are issued even for exceeding the limit by 1 km/h!
It is prohibited to exceed the speed limit as well as to drive slower than the set limit if one exists on that section of the road!
According to statistics, 90% of fines for tourists are due to speeding.
We recommend strictly following speed limits, even if you’ve heard that you can exceed them slightly!
Estimated fines for traffic violations in Dubai:
- Speeding up to 10 km/h – 400 AED
- Up to 20 km/h – 300-500 AED
- Up to 30 km/h – 600 AED
- Up to 40 km/h – 700 AED
- Up to 50 km/h – 800-1000 AED
- Up to 60 km/h – 900-1500 AED
- More than 60 km/h – 1000-2000 AED
- More than 80 km/h – car confiscation and license suspension or 3000 AED fine
- Driving slower than the speed limit – 200-400 AED
- Not wearing a seatbelt – 400 AED
- Seatbelts are mandatory for all passengers!
- Using a mobile phone while driving – 200-800 AED
- Applying makeup while driving – 200-800 AED
- At roundabouts, vehicles moving in the circle have priority – 400 AED
- Driving at night or in fog without headlights – 100-400 AED
- Ignoring turn signals – 100-400 AED
- Ignoring pedestrians at a pedestrian crossing – 500 AED
- Not having a child seat for passengers under 10 years old – 400 AED
- Passengers over 10 years old may sit in the front seat!
- Stopping on the highway without a valid reason – 500-1000 AED
- Running a red light – 800-1000 AED
- Throwing trash out of the window – 500-1000 AED
- Participating in illegal street races – possible arrest or 2000 AED fine
- Failing to yield to emergency vehicles: ambulances, fire trucks, convoys – 200-800 AED
- Driving slower than the set speed limit (if applicable) – 200-400 AED
- Using a mobile phone – 400 AED
- Throwing trash out of the window – 500-1000 AED
- Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, etc. – arrest and possible imprisonment, as decided by the court!
The fine amount depends not only on the severity of the violation but also on the emirate where it occurred!
Payment of fines:
- Violations recorded by cameras, radars, or police officers are entered into a common electronic database.
- Fines are published on the traffic police website with a delay of 3-4 weeks.
- When renting a car from our company (or any other car rental company), you leave a deposit. This serves as insurance for any car damage and is used to pay fines. After returning the car in good condition with no fines, the deposit is refunded to the client in full within 15-20 days.
- This is why the deposit is refunded after this period.
Car Rental Terms
21 years
driver's license
Driving Experience
2+ years
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